In 2015 the leading players Bricolife and Brico io came together to form Sistema, the largest national network of companies operating in the Italian market.
The agreement between the Bricolife consortium and Brico io has seen rationalising of purchasing, business and logistics both for the DIY companies who are members of the consortium and for the Brico io stores.
The Sistema network boasts over 200 stores nationwide and annual sales of € 600 million.
of store floorspace
in annual sales
Bricolife grew up thanks to cooperation between some of the big names in the Italian DIY sector, working together to enhance their marketing, sales and purchasing processes.
The members of the consortium firmly believe in cooperating for innovation, while also reflecting the unique local features of the areas where their stores are situated.
Today Bricolife has 86 stores and sales of over € 250 million.
Brico io S.p.A. is the holder of the Brico io trademark with over 100 stores throughout Italy, either managed directly or through subsidiaries, specialising in the mid-size DIY retail trade.
Brico io sells the top DIY brands in areas ranging from arts and crafts through to gardening.